Entries by admin

Re-evaluating the “R word” in December 2024

The thought of someday retiring was never really a part of my life planning agenda, until recently.  I never thought that I’d want to completely withdraw from working so long as I was able to do so.  But now in the past few months, as yet another birthday approaches in a few days, I’m reconsidering […]

Requiem for an iMac, and Welcome Mac Studio

After 9 years of almost constant use, my trusty 27” iMac died a swift and painful death last June.  Problems began when the system starting running very slowly, showing me the infamous spinning beachball with almost every command. Then I was unable to launch apps or even open desktop folders. When numerous calls to Apple […]

My contribution to the world of aphorisms

I’m not exactly known for spouting words of wisdom, but every once-in-a-while I come up with an original thought that might be considered  “fortune cookie worthy.”    So here it is: Wisdom is measured by the number of mistakes we learn from. This thought came to me in the midst of making yet another mistake (although […]

Got Writer’s Block?  A few tips for fighting back.

Got Writer’s Block?  It happens to all of us.  You don’t have to be a writer to have writer’s block. In fact, any time you’re stuck with what to do or what to say –  “What’s for dinner tonight?   What movie should we watch? Where do we want to spend our next vacation?”  –  you’re […]

Some Decision-Making Tips for Those of Us Constantly Over the Barrel.

Stuck on making a big decision?  These tips can help. Like many people, from time to time I have trouble making decisions.  I’m not taking about tiny decisions like what clothes to wear today or what to eat for lunch, but big decisions that involve family members, friends, health, money, career,  . . . the […]

Let’s meet, and get back to work!

I’ve been in enough business meetings over the years to reinforce my deeply held belief that no such meeting should last more than 30 minutes. I speak from the experience of having sat through endless drone-a-thons where someone – obviously in love with the sound of their own voice – went on and on about […]

Video Production with the iPhone 14 was iOpening

Recently I completed a shoot using both a conventional video camera and an iPhone 14 ProMax.  It was my first time using the iPhone for professional video production and I must admit I was impressed with the results. Shooting in 4K resolution, the iPhone video footage was crisp and beautifully detailed. The camera’s  auto iris […]

RIP VHS and Audio Cassette Tapes

For years a pile of VHS videocassettes sat on top of my office bookshelf in a stack that nearly  reached to the ceiling.  They were dubs of my old Ampex shows, episodes of Nova that I actually bought, things I taped off the air, and other odds and ends given to me. The thinking was […]

Searching for the Leonardo in Each of Us

I’m currently in the midst of Walter Isaacson’s fascinating new biography of Leonardo da Vinci and I’m truly enjoying learning about this genius of the ages, a man of innumerable talents and interests. Isaacson points out several of Leonardo’s characteristics that I think may be applicable, in varying degrees, to us mere mortals.   An […]

Please Don’t Lance the Freelancer!

Someone once told me that freelancers are so-called because they usually wind up working for free and they’re often “lanced” by clients for reasons beyond their control. From my experience as a freelancer that might be an exaggeration, but there are some elements of truth in there.   Perhaps if people hiring freelancers better understood what […]