Re-evaluating the “R word” in December 2024

The thought of someday retiring was never really a part of my life planning agenda, until recently.  I never thought that I’d want to completely withdraw from working so long as I was able to do so.  But now in the past few months, as yet another birthday approaches in a few days, I’m reconsidering what path I want to new pursue and how best to use my time on things I truly care about.  With that in mind, the idea of retiring has become more appealing, if not somewhat compelling.

But this raises another key question:  retire to what?   Sitting around the senior center playing cards or watching travelogues is definitely not what I want to do.  Neither are many of the similar pastimes typically associated with retirees.

What does come to mind are traveling to new places, a deeper involvement in my hobbies and interests (philately at the forefront), meaningful volunteering in educational and community service activities, reading and intellectual growth, artistic growth in video production and editing, photography, writing, guitar playing, oil painting, and perhaps involvement in a new age-appropriate sport like pickleball.  Every time I discover new music that I like, or a new book, new artists, new ideas, or anything that I wasn’t aware of before, I’m reminded of just how much the world has to offer and how life is a nonstop voyage of discovery.

My goal is to create a plan to use my time wisely and in ways that are meaningful and of value to me and to others.   Then, someday, I can look back and say: “yes, each season of my life had meaning and purpose, and I accomplished what I wanted to, for the most part.”

So perhaps the best way to look at it is to transform the word “retire” into “renew.”  One should try to envision this time of life as a time not so much of retirement from the working world, but as a time of renewal, of growth, of ongoing discovery.  That “r word” is so much more appealing to me.

As 2024 comes to a close I just want to thank everyone out there who has read and responded to my blog posts.  There seems to be quite a few of you and I greatly appreciate your feedback and viewpoints/counter-viewpoints.   Whatever shape my plans take in the new year ahead, I will continue to post blogs and enjoy the feedback you provide.