I’ve been a philatelist (stamp collector) since childhood, and while my activity in the hobby has ebbed and flowed over the years, my fascination with the classic American stamps of the 1847-1936 era has never waned. So here are few of my favorite US stamps, some of which I’m fortunate enough to own examples of. If you’re a fellow collector (at any level) please drop me a line as I’m always happy to connect.
$5 Postage, Issue of 1923

Issued in 1923 and featuring the “America” statue that crowns the dome of the US Capitol. This is simply a beautiful and patriotic design.
The Graf Zeppelins, Issue of 1930

This set of stamps was issued in 1930 to pay the special postage rates on the Graf Zeppelin airship. These stamps were intended primarily for collectors, but with the Depression hitting with full force in 1930 few people could afford the $4.55 price. As a result, only about 60,000 sets out of the 1 million printed were sold. Today the stamps are prized collectors’ items.
Vincennes Sesquicentennial, Issue of 1929

Issued in 1929 to commemorate the Battle of Vincennes in 1779. This is a fairly common stamp but it’s one of my favorites from a design standpoint.
24 cents Pictorial, Issue of 1869

Issued in 1869, this rare stamp is a miracle of the engraver’s art, especially when one considers that the faces of the founding fathers are smaller than the head of a pin! I wonder if such engravers can be found today.
$3 Columbian, Issue of 1893

On the 400th anniversary of the landing of Columbus in the New World, the US Post Office issued a set of 16 commemorative stamps collectively called “the Columbians.” Each stamp in the series depicted a moment in the life of Christopher Columbus, and the engraving and design work were outstanding throughout. This is the $3 denomination from that series, and, as you might expect, it’s a rare and valuable stamp.
$1 Trans-Mississippi, Issue of 1898

My all time favorite US stamp, considered by many to be the most beautiful US stamp ever issued. I would agree.
$1 and $2 Stamps, Issue of 1902

Two more masterpieces of the engraver’s art, part of a larger set of equally beautiful stamps issued in 1902.